If you earn a regular income from either a monthly salary, or you work/run a high production farm, then you qualify for this loan. Incredo offers a check-off loan of up to Kshs 3,000,000 with a flexible repayment period of up to 36 months. All you need to secure the loan is either a log book or a title deed.
This loan facility is accessible to employees of companies that have a check-off arrangement with Incredo. Reach out to us for more information.
- Access up to Kshs. 3,000,000.
- Loan secured with logbook or Title deed.
- Flexible loan repayment period of up to 36 months.
- Fast processing.
- Competitive interest rates.
- No penalty on early payment.
A signed MOU with the employer or consumer organization should be in place.
Must be in employment for a minimum period of 6 months.
Letter from employer confirming terms of service.
Repayment of up to 36 months based on terms of service.
Duly filled Loan Application Form.
Certified 6 months Bank or Sacco and Mpesa Statements.
Copy of ID and KRA PIN.
A Certified Letter of Appointment.